Friday, 29 March 2013

vibrator envy From

I see guys come into the sex shop all the time to buy toys for their girlfriends. Expensive vibrators, strong vibrators, rechargeable vibrators, silicone vibrators, waterproof vibrators, awesome toys that I’m always kind of jealous of. I see it as one of the coolest gifts you can give a significant other. “Here honey, here’s this dual vibrator so you can pleasure yourself with whenever you feel like.” I mean how awesome is that! I also appreciate it when guys in the store talk about using these toy with their ladies and seem enthusiastic about it instead of intimidated. It’s really refreshing to see because it challenges that antiquated notion that vibrators and real flesh and blood cocks need to be locked in this eternal competition (As if cocks could win. Just kidding).

First of all, to be clear, cocks are awesome. I love what they can do for me, and I love what I can do for them. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t love my beautiful, curved, silky silicone toys too. And toys can be pretty fun to use with a partner. In fact, I feel sorry for guys that find toys threatening to their masculinity or their sexual prowess. The two don’t need to be mutually exclusive. As much as I love my man fucking me I also love him fucking me with my nice curved, metal toy that makes me squirt.

And asking him to use my toys on me means I get to tell him exactly how I like it. And giving the orders can be pretty hot. Some people think that it’s not very sexy to bring communication into the bedroom. Like giving instructions is a complete buzz kill. Well it doesn’t have to be. In fact, my question to those people is, are you fucking psychic? How the hell do you figure out what your partner likes unless you talk about it? Bringing toys into the bedroom leads to some very fun, educational seminars. Like Anal Plugs 101 and A Comprehensive Study of Clit Toys: Stronger is Always Better. Using toys together expands our options from plain old vanilla sex to choose-your-own-adventure sex with every tool in my ever-increasing toy chest at our disposal. The possibilities are endless. Think about that the next time you’re browsing for that special gift. I’m sure you’ll be rewarded for it.

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