Let's Talk About Electricity. 
Most of us know electricity as something that can knock you on
your butt, if you fool around with it in an electrical outlet, a light
switch or other electrical fixture. Especially if you don't hit the
circuit breaker first!! This type of electricity is referred to as 110
AC and has enough AMPS that it can and will hurt you badly if you get
enough of it. For safety reasons, if you want to practice
electro-stimulation, never use anything on your body that you plug
directly into an electrical outlet.
As mentioned in the Power Unit Section, most sexual
electro-stimulation units run on a 9-volt battery. The most basic type
of power unit is a TENS unit. A TENS unit is designed to amplify the
current of the 9 volt battery, using technology within the unit to
produce electrical flow to two or more electrodes. The Amp’s are very,
very low and will not hurt you. Some TENS and other power units do have
a/c adaptors and these are fine to use as they have been UL approved.
The user is always in complete control of the amount of power
being sent from the unit to the electrodes. However, turning the power
level up quickly, can cause a quick and discomforting jolt! When using
any type of e-stim (electro-stimulation) device, ALWAYS begin by making
sure it is OFF and all dials set to their lowest setting. Failure to do
so can, and will almost certainly cause a very uncomfortable jolt.
This is supposed to be a pleasurable experience, so be sure to think
about SAFETY before turning on any power unit.
Let's assume that you are using a pulse type device, say a
TENS unit. The current must flow between two places (points) on the
body. The two items that are placed on the body where current is
exchanged are called electrodes. Most TENS units have two lead wires
(Channels) and a control dial for each set of leads. It is advisable to
use both leads of the TENS unit and four (4) electrodes. The current
passing between all of these electrodes is what causes the waves of
erotic sexual feelings when applied to the genital areas.
Dry skin will have a fairly low resistance to current. Most
electrodes do not work well on dry skin. The effect on dry skin will
usually be rather sharp and painful. It's best to wet the skin first. In
a pinch, plain tap water is usually sufficient although electrode gel
such as TacGel is often much better as it is specifically made to last
longer and is very conductive to current. Remember, the better the
conductivity, the more deeply the current will usually be felt (which is
generally much more pleasurable!!).
Another important thing to remember is that the current is
generally spread out over the surface area of the electrode. Small
electrodes tend to concentrate the current making the feeling much more
intense. Larger ones usually distrubute the current over more skin
area. If one of the electrodes is larger than the other, sometimes most
or all of the sensation will be felt in the area where the smaller
electrode is placed. Electrodes from one of the lead wires can be wired
together (chained) to distribute the current and/or help balance out the
laraer ones. As an example, if a large steel ring or conductive
electrical tubing is used around the base of a male's genitals, two
rings or tubes connected together on the shaft of the penis might form
the other electrode(s). This configuration will most likely result in
the current being felt at all three locations instead of concentrated
in just the area of a single, smaller, electrode on the shaft.
The most important thing to remember is to NEVER create a path for the current anywhere near the heart
This is probably the most asked and misunderstood question
received. Once you begin a discussion with someone about Sexual
Electro-Stimulation at first they may blush or just say nothing.
However, they will tend to either be appalled or cover their real fears
and misgivings on the subject by just laughing it off and making electro
play out as a joke. Another statement heard frequently is, “I don’t
want to get shocked or electrocuted, and that really hurts”!! Of course
it can hurt if you want it to. You are completely in control of the
settings and dials. On the other hand, it can also be one of the most
erotic and pleasurable sexual experiences you have ever encountered. All
of which again, is at your choosing, as you are in complete control.
I believe that a majority of people automatically get the
preconceived notion that you are going to be “plugged in” to some sort
of electrical outlet where live “hot wires” are going to be taped
to their genitals or something to that effect. Charred smoking skin and
bright red burn marks and terrible pain might even flow through those
imaginations when mentioning sexual electro stimulation as a means of
sex play. Some may even get this wild picture of being strapped into
some sort of an electric chair or other such contraption. This of
course, is NOT the case. Once the joking and horrific notions have been
dispelled and the thought that hey, maybe this could actually be a
pleasant, erotic and different kind of sexual play, a more serious, down
to earth conversation about the subject can discussed. After all, how
many other ways could they experience a Hands Free Orgasm (HFO)!!
Electrical toys, once the principals of how they work are
understood, and when used properly, are really nothing to be afraid of
at all. In fact, because of our instinctive fear of electricity, electro
play and knowing that a small amount of current is coming at the turn
of a dial, tends to raise the sexual excitement in many folks. The fact
that we have to face and overcome something that instinctively scares
us, or that has been associated with sudden pain, can actually add that
extra edge of excitability to erotic sexual electro play. So, erotic
electro-stimulation toys - most of which are not actually painful - can
be overwhelming to a person simply because of this fear of electricity.
It is really difficult to explain in words the erotic and
pleasant sensations that electro-stimulation toys can provide. Contrary
to most folks thinking, when used correctly and safely, this method of
sexual stimulation is quite pleasurable. Electrodes used for Electro-sex
toys could be described as vibrators but, instead of actually
vibrating, give out an intense tingle, or a series of pulsating currents
which are very pleasurable and often orgasmic. The electrodes, some of
which can be inserted, are usually made of stainless steel; feel like
warm bulbs inside you. The power unit can even be set to electronically
pulsate that can lead to explosive orgasms (HFO's).
For those who might want a totally different experience, they
may take the next step, and think about trying anal toys of the
electrical variety. Once inserted and the exact adjustments to the power
unit are made, the sensation of your muscles contracting and releasing
around a warm, pulsing plug can feel like you are actually having sex.
And for those women who like a little more control over their partner,
the cock and ball attachments, if placed in the right spots and set to
pulsate, are particularly effective at milking men. But it's not just
the cock and ball rings that are capable of stimulating male genitalia;
an anal plug for instance, passes current through the prostate gland
(the male G-spot) , and this stimulation can cause the male orgasm to be
greatly intensified and also can increase the volume of semen
Ok, I hope that the above explanations will ease your mind
about the big question “WILL IT HURT!!” If you are ready to get more
information and take the next step to see what sexual
electro-stimulation is really all about, please go to the tab on the
left side of the page and click on the tab marked, how it Works. The
information contained there will give you a very good, in depth idea of
exactly what happens in the process.
How Does This Erotic Electro-Stimulation Thing Work?
The human body is a very complex, unique and sensual piece of
equipment. Our senses are very keen to stimulation whether it is in
the form of heat, cold, light, taste or touch. Sexual
electro-stimulation is actually the application of a small amount of
electrical current between two points on the body by using various types
of electrodes to allow current to flow between them. These electrodes
are placed (BELOW THE WAIST) in or on the genital areas of the body.
The most common method for producing these small electrical currents is
usually by using a TENS or other made-for-play power unit. When
fine-tuned by the user, these devices cause the nerves and muscles in
and around the genitals to: slightly heat up, vibrate, pulsate, buzz or
tingle depending on the individual’s preference setting. These erotic
sensations usually cause immediate erections in a male and extremely
pleasurable sensation to a female.
These sensations when set up properly ("tuned in") to an
individual’s personal choice, can produce orgasms that are very powerful
and are by far; much different than anything you have ever felt
before. Women usually have multiple orgasms vs. a single large orgasm
for men.
The effects and feelings produced by these units
vary depending on the made-for-play power unit a person is using.
Generally speaking, an individual new to this type of play, can use a
simple TENS unit that usually has two pairs of lead wires connected to
it and accommodates four (4) electrodes. Most units have separate lead
wire power settings, a couple of dials for setting fine-tuning wave
length and pulse width, while others may have a couple of other mode